by Arthur L. Costa, Ed. D. (Professor Emeritus, California State University, Sacramento). This paper summarizes 16 attributes of what human beings do when they behave intelligently, referred to as Habits of Mind. Metacognition is the 5th mentioned (see a nice summary of all 16 on the final page). Dr. Costa points out that these “Habits of Mind transcend all subject matters commonly taught in school. They are characteristic of peak performers whether they are in homes, schools, athletic fields,organizations, the military, governments, churches or corporations.”
How a Metacognitive Card Game was Born
Facilitating Metacognition in a First-Year Writing Course
Democratizing a Classroom: The Challenge of Student Engagement and Metacognition
Practical Magic: Using Metacognition to Connect DEI Work and the Writing Center
- Fostering Metacognition to Support Student Learning and Performance