Calls for Research Collaboration

If you have a planned, new, or ongoing project for which you’d like collaborators from other institutions, submit a short description and explain the type of collaboration you are requesting. For example, you might need statistical assistance, you might want someone to try your approach using a different student population, etc.

Use the comment feature to submit your post.

Request for Assistance in Project Design

If you are interested in designing a research project that investigates the impact of your incorporation of metacognitive strategies in your classroom, use the comment feature to submit a short description of your idea and questions. The Improve with Metacognition creators and consultants will try to assist you, and other site visitors might also comment on your post. Note that it is your responsibility on your end to apply for and receive IRB approval for the ethical use of human participants.

What is your favorite metacognition assignment?

Briefly explain the assignment. Help others understand how you’ve used it.  For example, in what level course have you used this?  What is the best thing about this assignment? What is a limitation of this assignment?

Share by using the comments feature for this post. If you have a handout to share with more detail, please email it with a short note linking it to your post, and the Improve with Metacognition creators will save it as an online resource and link it to your post. If you are comfortable doing so, you can include  your name and email contact so that others can contact you for further information.

What is your favorite in-class metacognition activity?

Briefly explain the activity. Help others understand how you’ve used it.  For example, have you used this in small or large classes? What is the best thing about this activity? What is a limitation?

Share by using the comments feature for this post. If you have a handout to share with more detail, please email it with a short note linking it to your post, and the Improve with Metacognition creators will save it as an online resource and link it to your post. If you are comfortable doing so, you can include  your name and email contact so that others can contact you for further information.