Metacognitive Strategies: Are They Trainable?

by Antonio Gutierrez, Southern Georgia University

Effective learners use metacognitive knowledge and strategies to self-regulate their learning (Bol & Hacker, 2012; Bjork, Dunlosky & Kornell, 2013; Ekflides, 2011; McCormick, 2003; Winne, 2004; Zeidner, Boekaerts & Pintrich, 2000; Zohar & David, 2009). Students are effective self-regulators to the extent that they can accurately determine what they know and use relevant knowledge and skills to perform a task and monitor their success. Unfortunately, many students experience difficulty learning because they lack relevant knowledge and skills, do not know which strategies to use to enhance performance, and find it difficult to sequence a variety of relevant strategies in a manner that enables them to self-regulate their learning (Bol & Hacker, 2012; Grimes, 2002).

Strategy training is a powerful educational tool that has been shown to overcome some of these challenges in academic domains such as elementary and middle school mathematics (Carr, Taasoobshirazi, Stroud & Royer, 2011; Montague, Krawec, Enders & Dietz, 2014), as well as non-academic skills such as driving and anxiety management (Soliman & Mathna, 2009). Additional benefits of strategy training are that using a flexible repertoire of strategies in a systematic manner not only produces learning gains, but also empowers students psychologically by increasing their self-efficacy (Dunlosky & Metcalfe, 2009). Further, a common assumption is that limited instructional time with younger children produces life-long benefits once strategies are automatized (McCormick, 2003; Palincsar, 1991; Hattie et al., 1996).

In addition to beginning strategy instruction as early as possible, it should be embedded within all content areas, modeled by teachers and self-regulated students, practiced until automatized, and discussed explicitly in the classroom to provide the greatest benefit to students. Pressley and Wharton-McDonald (1997) recommend that strategy instruction be included before, during, and after the main learning episode. Strategies that occur before learning include setting goals, making predictions, determining how new information relates to prior knowledge, and understanding how the new information will be used. Strategies needed during learning include identifying important information, confirming predictions, monitoring, analyzing, and interpreting. Strategies typically used after learning include reviewing, organizing, and reflecting. Good strategy users should possess some degree of competence in each of these areas to be truly self-regulated.

Additional strategies have been studied by Schraw and his colleagues (Gutierrez & Schraw, in press; Nietfeld & Schraw, 2002). They demonstrated that a repertoire of seven strategies is effective at improving undergraduate students’ learning outcomes and comprehension monitoring, a main component of the regulatory dimension of metacognition. Table 1 contains the seven strategies explicitly taught to students. Moreover, these strategies can function not only in contrived laboratory settings but also in ecologically valid settings, such as classrooms.

Table 1. Summary of Metacognitive Strategies and their Relation to Comprehension Monitoring




Hypothesized Influence on Comprehension

Review main objectives of the text and focus on main ideas and overall meaning Review and monitor Enhance calibration through clarifying misunderstandings and tying details to main ideas
Read and summarize material in your own words to make it meaningful; use elaboration and create your own examples Read and relate Enhances calibration by transforming knowledge into something personally meaningful
Reread questions and responses and reflect on what the question is asking; go through and take apart the question paying attention to relevant concepts Review, relate, and monitor Purposefully slowing information processing allows for a more accurate representation of the problem, thus decreasing errors in judgment
Use contextual cues in the items and responses, e.g., bolded, italicized, underlined, or capitalized words Relate Using contextual cues allows the mind to focus on salient aspects of the problem rather than seductive details, thereby increasing accuracy
Highlight text; underline keywords within the question to remind yourself to pay attention to them; use different colors to represent different meanings Review, relate, and monitor Highlighting and underlining can assist one to focus on main ideas and what is truly important, increasing accuracy; however, relying too much on this can be counterproductive and may potentially increase errors
Relate similar test questions together and read them all before responding to any Relate and monitor Relating information together provides a clearer understanding of the material and may highlight inconsistencies that need to be resolved; it may point to information the learner may have missed, increasing accuracy
Use diagrams, tables, pictures, graphs, etc. to help you organize information Review and relate These strategies help simplify complex topics by breaking them down to their constituent parts; this increases accuracy by decreasing errors

Adapted from Gutierrez and Schraw (in press).

However, while the studies by Shaw and colleagues have shown that teachers can effectively use these strategies to improve students’ comprehension monitoring and other learning outcomes, they have not thoroughly investigated why and how these strategies are effective. I argue that the issue is not so much that students are not aware of the metacognitive strategies, but rather that many lack the conditional metacognitive knowledge−that is, the where, when, and why to apply a given strategy taking into consideration task demands. Future research should investigate these process questions, namely when, how, and why different strategies are successful.

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Grimes, P. W. (2002). The overconfident principles of economics students: An examination of metacognitive skill. Journal of Economic Education, 1, 15–30.

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