A Brief History of Learning Inventories

Noel Entwistle and Velda McCune (2004) catalog the evolution of learning inventories over the last fifty years. The article is particularly useful in highlighting the ways similar ideas are discussed using differing terminology. Because of the article’s scope, readers can become quickly familiar with broad trends.

Entwistle, N., & McCune, V. (2004). The conceptual bases of study strategy inventories. Educational Psychology Review, 16(4), 325-345.

Self-regulation and metacognitive judgments among psychology students

Randy Isaacson and Frank Fujita (2006) consider the effects of metacognitive judgments on anticipated performance, self-efficacy, and learning satisfaction in introductory psychology students. Of note, the study allowed students to choose test questions based on their self-assessment of the comprehension of the material.

Isaacson, R. M., & Fujita, F. (2006). Metacognitive Knowledge Monitoring and Self-Regulated Learning: Academic Success and Reflections on Learning. Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 6(1), 39-55.

The Value of Integrative Learning


Mary Huber and Pat Hutchings (2004) consider the value of integrative learning (e.g., to becoming a more motivated learner, a more nimble employee, a more responsible citizen, an educated person) and the role metacognition can play in making learning more integrative. They write, “Reflection. Metacognition. Learning how to learn. Whatever the language or lineage, the idea of making students more self-aware and purposeful –more intentional –about their studies is a powerful one, and it is key to fostering integrative learning. Assisting students to develop such capacities poses important challenges for campus reforms around teaching and learning” (7).

Huber, M. T., & Hutchings, P. (2004). Integrative Learning: Mapping the Terrain. The Academy in Transition. Association of American Colleges and Universities.